Monday, March 16, 2020

Democracy and Greece's Golden Age

Pericles was crafty politician, an inspirational speaker, and a revered general. He was the leader of Athens for a long time. The time he ruled was called the Age of Pericles. He had three major goals in his lifetime. The first goal was to strengthen Athenian democracy. The second goal was to hold and strengthen the empire. The third goal was to glorify Athens. A direct democracy is run directly through the citizens of that state, in this case a city-state. There are no voted representatives. The Delian League was formed after the defeat of the Persians by Pericles. So, it was led by Athens and was a group of a bunch of different Greek city-states. It made a lot of money and helped the Athenian navy be so powerful. The Delian League was part of Pericles' empire. Pericles took most of the money from the Delian League and put it into Athens without the other members knowing. That's all for today.

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