Friday, March 20, 2020

Cyber Days

I think that the Cyber Days are just ok. I haven't been too overloaded with work and I usually finish it before school would normally end. The subjects that take me the longest are usually Math, English, and Spanish. When I had all three on the same day it took me as long as a school day would normally last. The easiest subjects are Western Civ, Religion, and Art. Biology is like the middle subject. It's not that easy but it's also not that hard. I honestly like when we go to school better than these cyber days. I like to see all of my friends at school and I also like to see my teachers. I hope that this Corona Virus passes over soon so we can go back to regular school. I do like how I can sleep in for longer. That may be the reason why somedays it takes a longer time for me to finish all of my work. Sometimes it's hard for me to focus on my work because my bird tweets really loudly, my dog will come over and start licking me, and my siblings all annoy me. Anyways, that's all for today.

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