Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Athens VS Sparta

Today in class we talked about Athens and Sparta. Spartans were warlike people. They were known for their thought, ruthless infantry (soldiers who fought on land). Spartan boys trained from the time they were 7. Athenians had a great infantry too but nothing could compare to their navy. Their most effective weapon was the trireme. The trireme was a technological marvel, the fastest ship in the world, rowed by up to 170 men on 3 levels, could be used as a battering ram, and were agile and fast. The Phalanx was a close-rank, dense grouping of warriors armed with long spears and interlocking shields. Soldiers would advance slowly toward the enemy until they broke through their ranks. Then we talked about the Persian War and the strengths and weakness of the Greek and the Persian armies. That's all for today.

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