Friday, February 21, 2020


Today in class we had a pop quiz. It was on early Greece. I got 3 questions wrong but my grade is still an A. After the pop quiz we read and took notes on the next chapter in the textbook. The Chapter is called Democracy and Greece's Golden Age. I learned that the main guy who ruled over Greece in the the Golden Age was Pericles. He had three goals. 1.) to strengthen Athenian democracy 2.) to hold and strengthen the empire 3.) to glorify Athens. After a couple of years Sparta declared war on Athens and started the Peloponnesian War. Athens had the stinger navy. Sparta had the stronger army and because it was located inland it wasn't easily attacked from the sea. Eventually, Spartans marched into Athenian territory. A plague swept through Athens and killed a lot of people. A few years later, they signed a truce but that didn't last long. Athenians sent a fleet a fleet to Sicily but it ended in defeat. Athens lost after nine years. There was also things about philosophers. That's all for today.

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