Monday, January 27, 2020

Reviewing the QUIZ

Today we reviewed questions on the quiz that is going to be on Wednesday. We need to know that cultural diffusion is where a new idea or product spreads from one culture to then next. That the Fertile Crescent includes the land facing the Mediterranean Sea and a plain called Mesopotamia. We also need to know that Mesopotamia means "land between rivers." Polytheism is the belief in many gods. Irrigation is where they use water from rivers for farming purposes. Cuneiform is the first type of writing that Sumerians created. A dynasty is rulers from the same family. A ziggurat is the pyramid shaped temple built on top of a mountain that the Sumerians made. Modern countries in the Fertile Crescent are Iran, Iraq, Turkey, and Syria. The Neolithic Age (New Stone Age) was started when tools became advanced and agriculture began. Paleolithic Age (Old Stone Age) is the earliest prehistoric age. A city-state works like an independent country. The epic of Gilgamesh tells of the great flood. Hammurabi's Code contains 282 laws and people knew about because it was engraved in stone and posted everywhere. Silt is the soil left behind when flood water recedes. We have a military base on the Tigris River that was bombed. That's for today.

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