Monday, May 18, 2020

The Roman Empire

  • the creation of the Roman Empire transformed Roman government, society, economy, & culture
  • The Roman Empire has served throughout history as a model of political organization & control

  • civil war : conflict between groups within the same country
  • Julias Caesar : military leader who took over Rome
  • triumvirate : group of 3 rulers
  • Augustus : title given to Octavian meaning "exalted one"
  • Pax Romana : "Roman peace"
The Republic Collapses

  • Rome's increasing wealth and expanding boundaries brought many problems
  • these problems led to a shakeup of the republic & the emergence of a new political system
    • Economic Turmoil
      • as Rome grew - the gap between rich and poor people widened
      • small farmers found it difficult to compete with the large estates run by the labor of enslaved people
      • 2 brothers (Tiberius & Gaius Gracchus) attempted to help the poor
      • they were tribunes - proposed laws that limited the size of estates and gave land to the poor
      • brothers made enemies with lots of senators - both met violent deaths
      • after their deaths came civil war
    • Military Upheaval
      • as the republic became more unstable military generals started seizing power for themselves 
      • it was now possible for a military leader supported by his own troops to take over by force
    • Julius Caesar Takes Control
      • joined forces with Crassus and Pompey-helped him to be elected as consul
      • appointed himself governor of Gaul
      • Pompey feared Caesar because of his success-so Caesar followed his orders and disbanded his legions and returned home
      • Caesar defied the senate's order
      • the senate appointed him dictator - he was named dictator for life
    • Caesar's Reforms
      • Caesar governed as an absolute ruler
      • he started a lot of reforms that helped a lot of people
      • people started to fear him so they planned his assassination and murdered him
    • Beginning of The Empire
      • After Caesar's death another civil war broke out
      • Octavian, Mark Antony, & Lepidus formed the Second Triumvirate
      • After a lot of arguments, rivalry, and suicides - the Second Triumvirate disbanded and Octavian became an unchallenged ruler of Rome
A Vast and Powerful Empire
  • period of peace and prosperity
    • A Sound Government
      • Romans held their empire together through efficient government and able rulers
      • Augustus was Rome's ablest ruler
      • after he died, the system of government he created remained stable
      • Rome expanded, became huge, & now includes many different people, languages, and customs
    • Agriculture and Trade
      • agriculture was the most important industry in the empire
      • having common coinage made trade between different parts of the empire easy
      • Rome had a vast trading network - even traded with China & India
      • complex network of roads linked Rome to far away places
The Roman World
  • Rome emphasized the values of discipline, strength, and loyalty
  • most people in the Roman Empire lived on the country side & worked on farms
    • Slaves and Captivity
      • slavery was a significant part of Roman life
      • they could be punished, rewarded, set free, or put to death as their master see fit
      • they worked in cities and on farms
      • more than a million slaves lost their lives attempting to gain their freedom
    • Gods and Goddesses 
      • the earliest Romans worshipped powerful spirits or divine forces (numina) that they thought lived in everything around them
      • they gave names to these powerful gods and goddesses & honored them through various rituals, hoping to gain favor and avoid misfortune
      • government and religion were linked 
      • worship of the empire also became part of the official religion of Rome
    • Society and Culture
      • wealth and social status made huge differences in how people lived
      • most people in Rome barely had the necessities of life
      • much of the city's population was unemployed
      • the government supported these people with daily rations of grain
      • to distract and control the masses of Rome, the government provide free games, races, mock battles, and gladiator contests
      • during Pax Romana, the practice of Christianity emerged

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