Tuesday, May 26, 2020

TEST DATE & more notes

I will take the test on Rome on June 2 at 1:25 to 2:15 with the rest of the Honors 201 class.

In order to keep the Plebeians happy they gave them free grain form the state and entertainment to keep them distracted and docile. Tiberius Gracchus recognized the advantages of paying attention to the plebs. Military generals would work that angle. They would led an army to conquer a some type of land and then give the soldiers a share in the spoils. A soldiers's loyalty was to their military general not Rome. Julius Caesar was a successful military general. he conquered the territory of Gaul. He made the common folk happy and made friends with high up people. Pompey and Crassus were two of these people. These three men formed the first Triumvirate. Crossing the Rubicon was crossing he point of no return. Caesar serves as consul and appoints himself governor of Gaul. Pompey was jealous and became his rival. Pompey's and Caesar's armies fought with each other and Caesar are out as the winner. In 44 BC, he is named dictator. At first it was only six months but later he was named dictator for life. Caesar granted citizenship to people in provinces. He expanded the Senate by adding his friends. He created jobs for the poor. He increased pay for soldiers. He started colonies where those without land could own property. Caesar was assassinated because the senators saw Caesar's rise in power as a huge threat and political viability. They lured him into the senate and stabbed him. Some of his allies were involved. The senators weren't punished.Octavian was named Julius Caesar's sole heir. This was basically the end of the republic.

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