Friday, December 13, 2019

Writing the Essay

Today we wrote our essays for the midterm exam. I came prepared with my notecard. I thought I did a pretty good job on writing it. I did get a little nervous, however, when almost everyone in the class started getting a second paper to write on and I only used one. I reread the question that I chose and reread my essay and it seemed like I had covered everything. I just hope it was enough. I kept trying to convince myself that I was just writing smaller than everyone else and they had big handwriting and that's why they used a second page but I'm not sure. Maybe I just didn't have as much as everyone else but I think it covers the whole topic in the right amount of sentences. I didn't want to turn in an essay that I wouldn't want to read because it's so long because if I wouldn't want to reread it why would you want to read it. I hope my essay was enough to get me a good grade on this part of the exam. That's all for today.

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