Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Demographic Transition Videos

Video 1 : Demographic Transition -
1. Stabilization in population occurs in most industrialized countries
2. Growth rate measures how much the population grows or shrinks over some time period
3. Most countries were in stage 1 until the 18th century when death rates in Europe began to fall

Video 2 : Demographic Transition Theory -
1. We are experiencing exponential growth
2. The plague, war, famine, and poor living conditions people died pretty young to make up for all the deaths they had to have children- stage 1
3. Cultural lag : technologies that improved mortality rates changed faster than. cultures ability to adapt

Video 3 : Why Populations Grow and the Demographic Transition Model -
1. The population growth of less economically developed countries is rapid compared to more economically developed countries.
2. One way to measure population growth is by calculating doubling time (length of time it takes for population to double in size). Calculated by dividing 70 / growth rate.
3. 2 main factors affecting population growth RNI and NET Migration Rate.

Video 3 was most helpful to me because I like to listen to people with accents. It makes me listen better. I also thought it had more facts than the other 2. It had some terms that we've learned before and some that we're new to me. It also had different ways to measure population, some of which were new to me. Even though the video was longer than the other 2 I thought I learned more from it than the others. That's why video 3 was the most helpful to me.

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