Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Population Pyramid

Today in class we watched a video about population pyramids. Population Pyramids are like bar graphs tilted on their side. They are made from gender and age. The age is counted in 5 year increments.  0-14 are pre-reproductive, 15-44 are reproductive, and 45-100+ are post reproductive. Men are on the left and women are on the right. A pyramid with a large base is going to have an increase in population. A pyramid with a fat middle will slowly increase over time. A pyramid with a big top is going to have a decrease in population.Demographic Transition was a word that we learned it has to do with age. For example, if your watching kids shows then your going to have commercials that are aimed for that age group. Pre-industrialized (developing countries/nations) are going to have an increasing population. Industrialized (developed countries/places) are going to have a deceasing population. That’s what we learned today.

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