Thursday, June 4, 2020

Letter to Future Me

Dear Future Me,
     Hi future me. I'm writing this because I'm being told to by Mr. Schick, but I think this is a cool idea anyways. You're probably reading this as a person who's a lot older than I am now. I'm not sure if you could ever forget it, but if you did I want to remind you of the time in our life when we couldn't go to school in person and everyone was going crazy over toilet paper. I'm talking about the Coronavirus if you haven't figured it out yet. The last few weeks have been absolutely terrible. I've been in the SAME house with the SAME people for months. Sure, they're family, but they can be so annoying! I feel like Maryland is the strictest state in the whole country! My grandparents were traveling around and visiting all of my aunts, uncles, and cousins throughout the country, and they didn't even have to wear masks when they were going into stores! To make matters worse, our family vacation to Florida was canceled. Twice! Remember how we always go to Disney World over Spring/Easter break, we didn't this year! Because of all of this stuff going on we had to cancel the first trip, but we planned a second one a little later. Then, the second one was cancelled too! That was probably worse than the first time it was cancelled because we somehow got first class seats and we've NEVER flown first class before. I was so close to enjoying them, but no! Stupid Corona had to ruin things once again. My dad decided that over the summer we'll take a road trip down to Florida instead, and we'll stop by Hilton Head on the way down. At least that's something to look forward to. At this time, I'm not even sure if school will reopen in the fall. I hope it does because I'm not sure how much longer I'll be able to keep working hard on my school work when I'm not even in school. I hope you never forgot how awful online live classes were. I had one almost everyday while Lauren only had like two during the whole time. Don't even get me started on Madison. Since she was a senior and graduated, she got out of school earlier than the rest of us. I hated how she walked around the house while I was trying to get my work done. I still give her glares to let her know how mad I am that she doesn't have to do any work. Nick is the only one that's ok. But he is still annoying. You'd think that since he's in 4th grade he'd be able to do his own work, NO. My mom practically does all the work for him, and when she tries to get him to keep working instead of playing with his legos, he starts getting whiny, and it's really ANNOYING when I'm in the other room trying to get my work done! Yes, I have to do it downstairs because I don't have a desk in my room and I also have to share a room with Lauren. So she get's the room and I get the dining room table. Everything just keeps getting worse. All of the summer soccer trainings and the 6V6 league have been CANCELLED until further notice. That's going to make it really hard for me to keep in shape and be ready for tryouts in August. I just hope that school will be open then, so I can play soccer with the school again. I had so much fun this year playing with the team and making lots of new friends. I feel bad for all of the incoming freshman who want to play soccer but didn't have a chance to go to the first meeting and have all of the experiences I did during the summer. This quarantine period has made me learn new things. I've started learning how to play my guitar, hopefully future me still knows how to. I've also painted rocks and they look pretty good. I've also started making a bucket list in my head of all the things I want to do one day. It might sound cliche but I've always wanted to go skydiving, even though I'd probably be really scared in the moment. I also want to go scuba diving with sharks, preferably hammerheads (since there my favorite shark). I want to go rock climbing on a real rock wall on like the side of a mountain. Hopefully by the time you're reading this, I've done some of these things. This quarantine made me realize that I shouldn't take what I have for granted. I want to remind future me to live life to the fullest. Also, smile and laugh everyday because it makes you a happier person.


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