Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Greek Poem ~ Bucephalus and Alexander

Bucephalus was wild and crazed
till Alexander came his way.
He showed Bucephalus to have no fear 
for his huge shadow was his only rival.
Together they rode to battle their foes
Alexander and Bucephalus conquered them all. 
While Alexander was away,
his enemies took their chance.
They kidnapped his horse and locked him up
until Alexander got fed up.
He showed no mercy to the captors
and threatened to slaughter every citizen.
Bucephalus was quickly returned 
and the pair was reunited, 
together again, as one.
No good things ever last, 
Bucephalus was hurt real bad. 
His battle wounds ran to deep,
and in the end he was deceased.
Filled with grief of his passed friend,
he named a city after him.
Bucephalus and Alexander had a bond stronger than most,
together they showed how true friendship works. 

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